Scott Meadors was the lead trainer on Procedural Justice, Implicit Bias, and Reconciliation during the Stockton Police Department's work with the National Initiative For Building Community Trust.
He continues to be one of the lead trainers in California in Procedural Justice and Implicit Bias classes and Train the Trainer Workshops.
He has trained agencies throughout the country on Procedural Justice, Implicit Bias, and creating Trust Building spaces with law enforcement and communities.
We bring together trainers experienced in creating spaces to train law enforcement and communities on the concepts of Procedural Justice and Implicit Bias. Through shared experiences trust can be built.
Trainings are based on adult learning concepts and an equal voice for all.
Trainers have extensive experience on teaching classes, creating train the trainer classes, and mentoring instructors.
To find out more and start the conversation, reach out through our contact form.
You can also reach us by calling
(916) 337-5447